How to Tell if Your Art is Actually Good

The question of whether your art is good or bad is one almost every amateur artist asks. Nobody wants to be mocked. But how exactly do you know if your piece of art is good or bad? This post takes a quick look at the main considerations you should make when evaluating your art. 

Technical skill

The first question you should ask is the most common: how well executed is the art in terms of technique? Does it look realistic? Most experimental or early pieces of art fall apart mostly because the technique is terrible. The paint might not have been mixed well so it falls off the canvas or the sculpture collapses due to poor construction. 

All in all, just because you are not good with construction or paint mixing does not mean your art is bad. Leonardo da Vinci had the same problem with the ‘Last Supper’ painting. The piece started to decompose almost immediately. Even so, it is one of his majestic masterpieces. 


This applies to how well textures, colors, values, shapes, lines and other elements have been used. If these elements do not interact well the art will look clumsy. Discord and jarring contrasts will keep your art from harmonizing. A harmonious composition is a key to creating a piece of art that is considered an artistic success. Yes, you will not improve overnight but with persistence and proper guidance, you will get there. 


What message is your art conveying? A bad piece of art is one that has no message. A piece of art that explores the atrocities of war will mostly have soft, pastel colors. A good example is Picasso’s ‘Guernica’. The art reacts to war in Spain during the time. The art is huge and in black-and-white. It also has writhing and jagged figures that depict the atrocities of war. 

It takes time to achieve artistic success. The most important thing you should do is get expert help as you get started. It is only by learning from the best artists that you will be able to hone your skills. Uncorked Canvas in Tacoma is a good place to start. 

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